Hello and Welcome to My Blog!

This is where I begin my journey with you, Christian wives everywhere. As I seek the Lord for grace to share testimonies and words of encouragement about marriage, it is my hope that you will: be strengthened to live with your husbands in peace, be encouraged to live according to biblical principals
be grateful for the gift of marriage and...be open to sharing comments here with other wives

I never considered myself a writer, but I am following God as I write to and for you. I hope and pray your marriage will be blessed!

In His Service,


A Little PEACE!

The past few months of my life have been like riding the fastest roller coaster in the biggest amusement park in the world. Unexpected and unusual events have propelled me forward taking sharp turns that felt like I was tipping over. My circumstances lead me slowly upward only to reach a top peak and fall head first downward. The pace has been fast and furious leaving my stomach nauseous and my head throbbing. Up, down, and around I go! Such has been my life since Thanksgiving. The ride continued through Christmas and into the New Year.

One morning I was thinking about my circumstances. I replayed some of the details of these events and wondered if I was going crazy. I didn’t feel crazy but, my parents had expressed concern for my well being. My closest friends had me placed me at the top of their prayer lists. My husband has just been looking at me with a helpless expression on his face. Maybe I am losing it and don’t even realize it.

“How are you doing Lisa, I asked myself?” (I ask myself a lot of questions).
Fine, I really am fine,” I replied. Then I began to wonder why.

I sat very still and then I heard the small voice. …and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:7). The light bulb had come on! I could see clearly. I was not crazy at all. I fine because I had the peace of God and it surpassed all of understanding!

How did I get such peace? I heard the voice again. “Peace” I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27). In the midst of messy circumstances, I had received a little peace. My heart was no longer troubled and I was no longer afraid. Peace had strengthened me. I was prepared to handle what was ahead.

Like everything Jesus offers, peace is not just for me. I began to remember watching other godly women as they faced trials covered in the peace of Christ. When a 50 year old wife buried her husband six months shy of her daughter’s high school graduation, she had peace. She lost her husband but, not her mind. I also saw a devoted wife of over 50 years care for her sick husband until he passed. At the home going service her sigh contained a mixture of sadness and relief as she spoke softly saying “my work here is finished”. She had peace. I had spent the last few months caring for some ideals that had died. I had to bury some other false hopes. I had lost some things, people, and direction. In the midst of it all, I was moving forward. I had peace.

My life is still on that fast roller coaster track. God is full control and I believe he has strapped me in tight and is taking me on the most exciting ride of my life. My heart is pounding with anticipation. My head is filling with hopes and dreams and my stomach is still a bit nauseous. I expect sharp curves. I anticipate uphill travel and it may take a long time to reach the top. I am certain that I will fall pretty fast and hard some times. BUT as long as I have the gift of PEACE, I can enjoy the ride!

How about you?


Enter 2010!

January 2010

Happy New Year!

I know we are 5 days into it now but, this is how I have entered 2010.

VERY SLOWLY… It seems God is doing some amazing things in me and in my life. Can I tell you that amazing doesn’t always feel good? Many of my current circumstances are difficult. I would not have chosen them.

BUT in 2010 I am striving to see God in new ways. That is my heart’s desire and my constant prayer. I want more of Him and to experience the hand of a Big God in my life. That leaves me here:

Slow to write to you on the blog
Slow to face the mundane tasks of my day
Entering 2010 with some pretty bad (oh sorry) amazing battles to fight

In the process I am also here:

Reading the Bible in One Year
Praying Like I have Never Prayed before
Seeing God be Provider (My husband’s pay is a limited resource)
Seeing God be Healer. (Some things come only by prayer and fasting)
Experiencing the blessings of immediate obedience.
Seeing a bigger picture of the Body of Christ. (Ministry really does happen on Twitter) and…

Loving the Lord more and more each day!
How have you entered 2010?
Where is God taking you?
