Hello and Welcome to My Blog!

This is where I begin my journey with you, Christian wives everywhere. As I seek the Lord for grace to share testimonies and words of encouragement about marriage, it is my hope that you will: be strengthened to live with your husbands in peace, be encouraged to live according to biblical principals
be grateful for the gift of marriage and...be open to sharing comments here with other wives

I never considered myself a writer, but I am following God as I write to and for you. I hope and pray your marriage will be blessed!

In His Service,


Marriage Is A Journey

Marriage is a journey.  What have you packed for the trip?

When I plan for a trip. I pack more than enough stuff "just in case" I need it.  When I realized that my marriage was a long journey that I would travel until I die... I started to pack.  These are some of the things I have for the journey.

  • A pack a patience. One for each day
  • A lot of smiles and laughs.  I can never have too many of those.
  • Food for my soul. My Bible, journal, and sermon notes are carry on items.  
  • I keep gratitude on hand. I never know when I will need it.
  • Cute lingerie is a must. My husband makes sure I keep that around (chuckle, laugh, smile) 
and love... I let God fill my bag.  He has it overflowing and makes sure nothing is too heavy for me to carry.  

These are just a few of the things I keep in my marriage suitcase. 
What about you?
What do you bring along for your journey with your husband?


1 comment:

  1. Something I have recently started is wearing makeup. For many years I have not worn makeup. Makeup and a smile brightens up my day and hopefully hubby's as well.
